C. F. Lin*, S. H. Chang*, “Advanced Mobile Communication Techniques in the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic Era and Beyond: An Overview of 5G/B5G/6G,” Sensors, 23(18), 7817, 2023. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, B. R. Wu, S. H. Chang*, Ivan A. Parinov, and S. Shevtsov, “New Marginal Spectrum Feature Information Views of Humpback Whale Vocalization Signals Using the EMD Analysis Methods,” Sensors, 23(16), 7228, 2023. (SCI)
C. S. Wen, C. F. Lin*, S. H. Chang*, “EMD-Based Energy Spectrum Entropy Distribution Signal Detection Methods for Marine Mammal Vocalizations,” Sensors, 23(
C. F. Lin* and H. C. Lin, “IMF-Based MF and HS Energy Feature Information of F5, and F6 Movement and Motor Imagery EEG Signals in Delta Rhythms Using HHT,” Sensors, 23(3), 1078, 2023. (SCI)
C. S. Wen, C. F. Lin, S. H. Chang, “Extraction of Energy Characteristics of Blue Whale Vocalizations Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition,” Sensors, 22, 2737, pp.1-17, 2022. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, C. F. Wu, C. L. Hsieh, S. H. Chang*, Ivan A. Parinov , and S. Shevtsov, “Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing-Based Low-Power Underwater Acoustic Image Transceiver,” Sensors, 22, 313, pp.1-14, 2022. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, “UFMC-Based Underwater Voice Transmission Scheme with LDPC Codes,” Applied Sciences, 11, 1818, pp.1-14, 2021. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, T. J. Su, H. K. Chang, C. K. Lee, S. H. Chang, Ivan A. Parinov , and S. Shevtsov, “Direct Mapping Based MIMO-FBMC Underwater Acoustic Communication Architecture for Multimedia Signals,” Applied Sciences, 10, 233, pp.1-14, 2020. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, T. X. Lin, C. I. Lin , and C. C. Chang, “A Mobile Cloud-based Health Promotion System for Cardiovascular Diseases,” Wireless Personal Communications, 108, pp.2179-2193, 2019. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, Y. T. Hung, H. W. Lu, S. H. Chnag, Ivan A. Parinov, and S. Shevtsov, “FBMC/LDPC-Based Underwater Transceiver Architecture for Voice and Image Transmission,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(3), pp.327-334, 2018. (SCIE)
C. F. Lin*, H. H. Lai, and S. H. Chang, “MIMO GS OVSF/OFDM Based Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication Scheme,” Wireless Personal Communications, 101, pp. 601-617, 2018. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, Y. C. Chung, J.D. Zhu, S. H. Chang, C. C. Wen, Ivan A. Parinov, and S. N. Shevtsov, “The energy based characteristics of sperm whale clicks using the Hilbert Hunag transform analysis method,” J. of Acoust. Soc. Am., 142(2), pp. 504-511, 2017. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, “Chaotic Visual Cryptosystem Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm for Clinical EEG Signals,” Journal of Medical Systems, 40:52, 2016. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, J. Y. Su, and H. M. Wang, “Hilbert-Huang Transformation Based Analyses of FP1, FP2, and Fz Electroencephalogram Signals in Alcoholism,” Journal of Medical Systems, 39:83, 2015. (SCI)
J. D. Zhu, C. F. Lin*, S. H. Chang, J. H. Wang, T. I. Peng, and Y. Y. Chein, “Analysis of Spike Waves in Epilepsy Using Hilbert-Huang Transform,” Journal of Medical Systems, 39:170, 2015. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Shih, J. D. Zhu, “Chaos Based Encryption System for Encrypting Electroencephalogram Signals,” Journal of Medical Systems, 38:49, 2014. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Chang, C. C. Lee,W. C. Wu, W. H. Chen, K. H. Chang, Jenny C. Y. Lee , and Ivan A. Parinov, “Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication Based on MIMO-OFDM,” Wireless Personal Communications, 71, pp.1231-1245, 2013. (SCI)
J. Y. Chen, S. W. Leu, C. F. Lin and S. H. Chang, “A Quasi-Orthogonal Corelator-based BPNN PN Code Acquisition Scheme for Underwater Acoustic DSSS Communication,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(1), pp.56-63, 2012. (SCIE)
C.F. Lin*,” Mobile Telemedicine:A Survey Study,” Journal of Medical Systems, 36(2):511-520. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, and J. D. Zhu, Hilbert-Huang Transformation Based Time-frequency Analysis Methods in Biomedical Signal Applications, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol. 226,March, 2012, pp.208-216. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, and B. S. H. Wang,” A 2D Chaos-based Visual Encryption Scheme for Clinical EEG Signals,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(6), 2011, pp.666-672. (SCIE)
C.F. Lin*, S. I. Hung, I. H. Chiang,” An 802.11n WLAN Transmission Scheme for Wireless Telemedicine Applications,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, pp.1201-1208, 2010. (SCI)
C. F. Lin*, J. Y. Chen, Y. J. Yu, J. T. Yan, and S. H. Chang,” Direct Mapping OVSF-based Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(3), pp.413-418, 2010. ((SCIE)
C. F. Lin*,C. H. Chung, and J. H. Lin, “A Chaos-based Visual Encryption Mechanism for Clinical EEG Signals,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 47(7), pp.757-762, 2009. (SCI)
林進豐*、林宗憲、洪祖昌、簡俊偉、黃彥臻、鍾沅廷、張博淵和莊漢1東,”TUUSAT-1A微衛星影像壓縮軟體系統設計,”航空、太空及民航學刊, pp.37-42, 2011.(EI)
C. F. Lin*, “An Advance Wireless Multimedia Communication Application: Mobile Telemedicine,” WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 9(3):206-215, 2010.(EI)
C. F. Lin* ,Z. C. Hong, J. S. Chern,C. M. Lin, B. J. Chang , C. J. Fong , and H. J. Lin, “Structure Design for TUUSAT-1A Microsatellite,” WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 5(1):45-58, 2010. (EI)
C. F. Lin*, C. H. Shih, C. P. Chen, S. W. Leu, J. K. Wu, C. H. Tseng, H. S. Hung, F. S. Lu, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang, “An OFDM-based Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Multimedia,” WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 8(3):343-352, 2009.(EI)
林進豐*、張順雄、I.A.Parinov,”先進水下通訊技術,”海洋與水下季刊,24(3):27-33, 2014.
吳尚旻、林進豐*、劉展志、王照盛、吳宗達、張淑淨、曾敬翔 、何志傑、林鎮洲、張忠誠, ”一種銥計畫體溫血壓量測技術,” International Journal of Science and Engineering Vol.4, No.1, 2014:249-252.
C. F. Lin*, Y. C. Wei, C. S. Wen, S. H. Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, and Sergey Shevtsov, “DM-MIMO Based GFDM Advanced Underwater Image Transmission Scheme,” Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications (Proceeding of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022), Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hysung Chang, and Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds), Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023, pp.466-470.
C. F. Lin, C. F. Wu, C. L. Hsieh, and S. H. Chang, “GFDM-based underwater transmission scheme for image signals,” Proceedings of IEEE ISPACS, Hualien City, Taiwan, 2021.
C. S. Wen, C. F. Lin, and S. H. Chang, “IMFs and RF energy distribution characteristic analysis of blue whale vocalizations,” Proceedings of IEEE ISPACS, Hualien City, Taiwan, 2021.
C. F. Lin*, C. C. Chuang, S. H. Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, and Sergey Shevtsov, 2021, ―Space Time Block Code Based FBMC Advanced Underwater Image Communication Technology, “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”. (PHENMA 2020).
林進豐*、彭煒仁、吳承峰、 張順雄,一種基於廣義分頻多工水下聲音訊號通訊技術,第二十二屆水下技術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,高雄,2020.07。
C. F. Lin*, T. J. Su, S. H. Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, and S. Shevtsov, 2020, ―Direct Mapping FBMC Based Underwater Transmission Scheme for Data Signals, International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2019. (PHENMA 2019).
林進豐*、張泓愷、蔡盛名、 張順雄、Ivan A. Parinov、Sergey Shevtsov,一種基於直接映射陣列濾波器組多載波低密度檢查碼先進水下影像傳輸技術,第二十一屆水下技術研討會暨科技部成果發表會,台北,2019.05。
C. F. Lin*, C. K. Li, S. H. Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, and Sergey Shevtsov, “Direct Mapping FBMC Based Underwater Transmission Scheme for Audio Signals,” International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2018.
C. F. Lin*, T. I. Chang, S. H. Chang, and Ivan A. Parinov, “IMF-based Energy Distribution Features of Fin Whale Sounds Using EMD Method,” International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2018
林進豐*、盧勳韋、張順雄 、 Ivan A. Parinov、 S. N. Shevtsov ,一種低功率多載波陣列濾波器組/低密度檢查碼適應性水中聲學影像傳輸技術,2017民生電子研討會,2017。
C. F. Lin*, T. X. Lin, C. I. Lin, and C. C. Chang, “A Mobile Cloud-based Health Promotion System for Cardiovascular Diseases,” 2017生物醫學工程科技研討會暨科技部醫工學門成果發表會, 2017。
C F. Lin*, Y. T. Hung, S. H. Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, and S. N. Shevtsov, “FBMC-based Underwater Transmission Scheme For Voice Signals,” International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2017.
林進豐*、邱博研、何佳錡、張順雄, 一種部分混沌視覺經驗模態拆解水下聲音加密方法,第十九屆水下技術研討會暨科技部成果發表會, 2017。
林進豐、 朱晉德、 張順雄、文展權、I. A. Parinov、S. N. Shevtsov,一種貝氏喙鯨點擊聲訊號希爾伯特黃時頻特徵解析技術,第17屆水下技術研討會暨科技部計畫成果發表會,2015 。
J. D. Zhu and C. F. Lin*, “Analyzing Spike I Wave Electroencephalogram Signals for Epilepsy Based on Hilbert-Huang Transformation,” IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics, 2014, Taiwan. (ISBN:978-1-4799-2770-8)
C. F. Lin*, J. Y. Su and H. M. Wang, “Hilbert-Huang Transform Analyses of Instantaneous Frequencies of FP2 and Fz Electroencephalogram Signals for Alcoholism,” Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on Biological, Medical and Chemical Engineering(BMCE2013), December 1-2,2013, Hong Kong, pp.579-582. (ISBN:978-1-60595-144-7) (EI)
林進豐*, 蕭光任, 朱晉德, 文展權, 張順雄, I. A. Parinov, “一種水下音訊傳輸訊號(I)希爾伯特黃時頻特徵解析技術,”第十五屆水下技術研討會暨國科會成果發表會, 基隆, 2013
C. F. Lin*, K. J. Hsiao, C. C. Wen, S. H. Chang, and I. A. Parinov, “Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Instantaneous Frequency Features for Underwater Voice (I) Transmission,” Advanced Materials Physcis, Mechanics, and Applications (Proceeding of PHENMA 2013) , pp.305-319, Springer, 2014.(ISBN:978-3-319-03748-6)
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Shih, J. D. Zhu, S. H. Lee, and C. W. Liu, “C# Based EEG Encryption System Using Chaos Algorithm,” Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Modern Science, Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Complex Systems and Chaos (COSC’13), H. Fujita, M. Tuba, and J. Sasaki (Eds), pp.59-62, 2013, Morioka City, Japan. (ISBN: 978-1-61804-178-4)
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Chang, C. C. Lee, W. C. Wu, W. H. Chen, K. H. Chang, Jenny C. Y. Lee, and Ivan A. Parinov, “An MIMO-OFDM Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication, ” Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications(Proceeding of PMNM-2012), Ivan A. Parinov and Shun-Hsyung Chang (Eds.), pp.217-223, 2012.
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Fan, B. H. Yang, Y. Y. Chien, T. I. Peng, J. H. Wang, and S. H. Chang,“Analyses of Instantaneous Frequencies of Sharp I, and II Electroencephalogram Waves for Epilepsy,” Recent Researches in Communications, Information Science and Education (Proceedings of the 6th international conference on communications and information technology 2012), pp.61-66. (ISBN:978-1-61804-077-0)(ISI)
C. F. Lin, S. H. Chang, and W. C. Wu,” Chaos-Based Encryption in MIMO-OFDM Underwater Acoustic Data Communication,” World Maritime Technology Conference, WMTC2012, 2012, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
林進豐*和張順雄, ”分碼多重進階與正交分頻多工水中聲學通訊技術, ” 2012水下技術研討會暨國科會成果發表會, pp.203-207.(NSC-98-2221-E-022-018) (NSC-99-2221-E-022-019)
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Shih, J. D. Zhu, and S. H. Lee, ”Implementation of An Offline Chaos-based EEG Encryption Software,” Proceedings of IEEE the 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technique,pp.430-433, 2012, Korea.(EI/ISI) (ISBN: 978-89-5519-162-2)
J. D. Zhu, and C. F. Lin*, ”Hilbert-Huang Transform based Intrinsic Mode Functions Energy of Spike Wave,” Advanced Materials Research (MEAEI2011, China), vol461, pp.411-413.(EI)
C. F. Lin*, and C. Y. Chang, ” Implementation of a Chaos-based Encryption Software for Electroencephalogram Signals,” Advances in ECWAC, vol.1, (MEAEI2011, China), Eds: D. Jin, and S. Lin, pp.147-150, Springer-Verlag, 2012.(EI)
林進豐*、陳偉華、張恭豪和張順雄,”一種水中聲學時空編碼正交分頻多工影音通訊技術,” 2011水下技術研討會暨國科會成果發表會, pp.167~171.
林進豐*和朱晉德,” OFDMA低軌道多衛星醫療通訊技術設計,” 第七屆網際網路暨通訊科技研討會, pp.68-70, 2011. (ISBN:176-986-6765-27-8)
C.F.Lin*,and J. D. Zhu, “HHT-Based Time-Frequency Analysis Method for Biomedical Signal Applications,” Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications(WSEAS Proceeding of CISST2011),Eds:A. Zemliak, N. Mastorakis, pp65-68, 2011.(EI/ISI)(ISBN:978-960-474-271-4)(ISSN:1792-779X)
H. Y. Lu, H. S. Hung, C. F. Lin, C. H. Tseng, and Y. Y. Chen, Low-Complexity Spatial-Frequency-Time-Domain MMSE Multiuser Detectors for MC DS-CDMA,IEEE ICCT, 2010.
C.F.Lin*, H. F. Chuang, Y. H. Wang, and C. H. Jian, “HHT-Based Time-Frequency Analysis in Voice Rehabilitation,” WSEAS BEBI2010, pp.49-53, Taiwan.(ISI/EI)
C. F. Lin*, C. C. Lee, S. H. Lai, S. H. Chang , C. H. Tseng, T. D. Wu, H. Y. Lu, H. S. Hung, F. S. Lu, “Direct Mapping OFDM-based Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Multimedia,” IEEE ISPA2010, pp. 421-424, Taiwan.(EI)
C. F. Lin*, and B. S. Wang, “2D Chaos-based Visual Encryption Mechanism in EEG Signals,” IEEE ISPA2010, pp.539-542, Taiwan.(EI)
C. H. Tseng, C. F. Lin, F. S. Lu, H. S. Hung, T. D. Wu, H. Y. Lu, and S. H. Chang, “Frequency-Domain Channel Estimation for Nonlinear Multicarrier Underwater Communication Systems,” IEEE Oceans’10, Sydney.(EI) (ISBN:978-1-4244-5222-4)
林進豐*, 賴岫弘, 張順雄, ‘一種水中聲波正交變化展頻因子/正交分頻多工多媒體通訊技術,’ 2010水下技術研討會暨國科會成果發表會, pp.295~300。
C. F. Lin*, ,Z. C. Hong, J. S. Chern, C. M. Lin, and, B. J. Chang, ‘Structure Design of TUUSAT-1A Microsatellite’, in the WSEAS Textbook Series “Recent Advances in Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED and Theoretical Mechanics),” edit by Prof. Cornelia A. Bulucea, Prof. Valeri Mladenov, Prof. Emil Pop, Prof. Monica Leba, and Prof. Nikos E. Mastorakis, pp.158-161. (ISSN: 1790-2769)(ISBN: 978-960-474-140-3)(EI/ISI)
林進豐*, 李佳昌, 張順雄, ‘水中聲波正交分頻多工多媒體傳輸技術,’ 2009海洋科技研討會論文集。(ISBN:978-986-01-9979-6)
林進豐*,施振祥,陳正濱,李佳昌,呂紹偉,吳景凱,曾敬翔,洪賢昇,呂福生,Ivan A. Parinov,張順雄. ‘基於正交分頻多工之水下多媒體傳輸技術,’ 2009水下技術研討會暨國科會成果發表會。
C. F. Lin* and H. W. Lee, ‘Wireless Multimedia Communication toward Mobile Telemedicine’, in the WSEAS Textbook Series “Recent Advances in Applied Informatics and Communications(Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS AND COMMUNICATIONS (AIC ’09)),” edit by Prof. Nikos E. Mastorakis, Prof. Metin Demiralp, Prof. Valeri Mladenov, and Prof. Zoran Bojkovic, pp.232-237.(EI/ISI) (ISBN:988-960-474-107-6)(ISSN:1790-5109)
C. F. Lin*, S. W. Yeh, Y. Y. Chien, T. I. Peng, J. H. Wang , and S. H. Chang, ‘A HHT-based Time Frequency Analysis Scheme for Clinical Alcoholic EEG Signals’, in the Book “New Advances on Multimedia Systems & Signal Processing,” pp.25-29.(EI/ISI)(ISBN:978-960-474-077-2) (ISSN:1790-5117)
C. F. Lin*, C. H. Shih, C. P. Chen, S. W. Leu, C. H. Tseng, H. S. Hung, F. S. Lu, S. H. Chang, ‘An OFDM-based Underwater Acoustic Multimedia System’, in the Book “New Advances on Multimedia Systems & Signal Processing,” pp.53-58. (EI/ISI) (ISBN:978-960-474-077-2)(ISSN:1790-5117)
C. F. Lin*, Z. X. Shi, and S. H. Chang,’A Power Assignment Mechanism for OFDM-based Underwater Acoustic Communication System, Proceedings of IEEE the 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technique 2009, pp. 1545-1548, Korea.(EI/ISI)(ISSN:1738-9445) (ISBN:978-89-5519-139-4)
C. F. Lin*, S. H. Chen, and J. D. Zhu, “A Ka Band Satellite-Wimax Multi-satellites System,” Proceedings of IEEE the 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technique 2009, pp.2195-2198, Korea.(EI/ISI)(ISSN:1738-9445)(ISBN:978-89-5519-139-4)
C. F. Lin*, J. J. Yang, and W. H. Chen, “A Powerline Transmission Scheme in EEG Medical Signals,” IEICE IFMIA 2009, Taiwan.
C. F. Lin*, S. W. Yeh, S. H. Chang, T. I. Peng, and Y. Y. Chien. An HHT-based Time-frequency Scheme for Analyzing the EEG Signals of Clinical Alcoholics. Online Book, pp.1-26, 2010, ISBN:978-161761-684-6: USA, Nova Science Publishers, Open access.
林進豐, “行動衛星通訊,”民國96年12月出版, 五南圖書(ISBN 978-957-11-5006-2)。
溫志宏, 劉宗憲, 邱茂清, 林仁勇, 連振凱, 林進豐,李國瑞 “正交分頻多重進接技術,” 民國96年7月, 滄海書局。(ISBN:978-986-6889-32-5)
C. F. Lin* and C. W. Liu, “Implementation of a Multimaps Chaos-Based Encryption Software for EEG Signals,” In Advances in Security in Computing and Communications, J. Sen Eds, Intech Science Publishers, pp.167-179, 2017.
C. F. Lin*, S. E. Wang, Y. C. Lu, C. I. Lin, C. C. Chang, T. Y., C. Lee, J. Huang, C. E. Weng, S. H. Chen, B. L. Sun, C. S. Wang, S. L. Cheng, S. Y. Li and L. Y.Wu, ” Mobile Cloud-Based Blood Pressure Healthcare for Education,” Mobile Health Technologies-Theories and Applications, (Eds: Wilfred Bonney ), Intech Science Publishers, 2016, pp.99-114. (Print ISBN: 978-953-51-2634-8, Online ISBN 978-953-51-2635-5)
S. M. Wu, C. F. Lin*, C. C. Liu, J. J. Liou, T. D. Wu, C. H. Tseng, C. C. Chang, J. J. Ho, S. J. Chang, C. C. Lin, S. H. Chen, C. E. Weng, S. E. Wang, and Y. C. Lu, “ Cellular and Iridium Network Based Blood Pressure Measurement Scheme for Mobile Healthcare Education,” Horizons in Computer Science Research. Volume 13. Nova Science Publishers, ISBN:978-1-53610-621-3, pp.195-210, 2017.
C. F. Lin*, “Chaos-based 2D Visual Encryption Mechanism for ECG Medical signals,” Horizons in Computer Science Research, Volume 4, Eds: Thomas S. Clary , pp. 205-217, USA, Nova Science Publishers, 2012. (Book Chapter)(Open Access) (ISBN: 978-1-61324-262-9)
C. F. Lin*, B. H. Yang, T. I. Peng, S. H. Chang, Y. Y. Chien, and J. H. Wang, “Sharp Wave Based HHT Time-frequency Features with Transmission Error,” Advance in Telemedicine: Technologies, Enabling Factors and Scenarios (Eds: Prof. Georgi Graschew and Prof. Theo A. Roelofs), Intech Science Publishers, Austria, 2011, pp.149-164. (ISBN:978-953-307-159-6)
C. F. Lin*, J. Y. Chen, R. H. Shiu, and S. H. Chang, “A Ka Band WCDMA-based LEO Transport Architecture in Mobile Telemedicine,” Telemedicine in the 21st Century, edited by Lucia Martinez and Carla Gomez, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, USA, 2008 3rd Quarter, pp.187-201.(ISBN:978-60456-645-1)(Book Chapter)
林進豐和鍾承興, 一種心電圖/腦波圖混沌視覺加密方法與裝置,中華民國發明專利, I 338845,2011.03.11 公告。
林進豐、洪詩益和江易翰, 基於行動醫療之無線區域網路802.11n傳輸方法及其架構,中華民國發明專利,I348301, 2011.09.01公告。
陸臺根、吳宗達、林進豐、朱文松、鄭堯聰、蔡森洲、張文奇、施桂陽和羅文毅,『電力相位檢測設備方法及電腦程式產品』中華民國發明專利,I404943 2013.08.11公告。