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Research lab

Communication&Signal Processing

Digital Communication Laboratory 

Ext. 6266

Person in charge: Ching-Hsiang Tseng 

Field: Communication and Signal Processing 

Research areas: nonlinear signal processing, nonlinear system identification, high-order statistical signal processing, software-defined radio, attitude recognition technology, underwater acoustic wave communication, inkjet printing technology.

Location: EE2-513 

Lab Introduction: RF signal generator, spectrum analyzer, arbitrary function generator, colorimeter, multi-channel data logger,

Digital signal processor development system, FPGA development system.

Underwater Communication Laboratory 

Location: EE1-105

Person in charge: Ching-Hsiang Tseng 

Field: Communication and Signal Processing 

Research areas: nonlinear signal processing, nonlinear system identification, high-order statistical signal processing, software-defined radio, attitude recognition technology, underwater acoustic wave communication, inkjet printing technology.

Laboratory equipment: RF signal generator, spectrum analyzer, arbitrary function generator, colorimeter, multi-channel data logger, digital signal processor development system, FPGA development system.

Communication System Chip Design Lab 

Location: EE1-616  

Ext. 6240 

Person in charge: Chin-Feng Lin 

Field: Communication and Signal Processing 

Lab Introduction: The Mobile Medical Information Laboratory is conducted by Assoc. Professor Lin Jinfeng from the Department of Electrical Engineering. It was established in the August of 1993 and formerly known as the Communication System Wafer Design Laboratory. The research focuses on wireless multimedia communication, low-power communication, baseband chip design and wafer. More recently, our research focus has directed toward the field of mobile medical information and biomedical signal processing (chaotic encryption and Hilbert Huangsheng Medical Signal Time and Frequency), subsequently the Lab was changed to Mobile Medical Information Laboratory in the October of 1999.

Laboratory equipment: two PXA300 embedded platforms, one microprocessor development system, one audio-visual communication transmission platform, one audio-visual communication receiving platform, one microcomputer sensing experimental device, one multifunctional physiological measuring device, and an electrocardiogram One machine, one ECG signal generator, two RF modulators, one set of time-frequency analysis development software, one set of signal analysis software, multiple PCs, and one laser printer

Wireless Communication Laboratory 

Location: EE2-420 

Ext. 6227 

Person in charge: Hoang-Yang Lu 

Field: Communication and Signal Processing 

Robust Communication Laboratory 

Location: EE2-316

Ext. 6244

Person in charge: Huang-Chang Lee

Field: Communication and Signal Processing 


Nonlinear Control Laboratory 

Location: EE2-413 


Person in charge: Chih-Yung Cheng 

Field: Control 

Laboratory Introduction: The Nonlinear Control Laboratory was established in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National Taiwan Ocean University. The main research areas are robust and nonlinear control, and the related theories apply to the control of computer peripheral systems and robots.

Intelligent Control Laboratory

Location: EE1-401

Ext. 6246

Person in charge: Chun-Fei Hsu

Field: Control 

Network Control Laboratory 

Location: EE2-617 


Person in charge: Jenq-Lang Wu 

Field: Control 

Lab Introduction: This lab focuses on the design of network controllers for multi-packet transmission, network controller design with low data throughput, and wireless network control systems.

At present, the main research directions are divided into:

(1) Network control system

(2) Simultaneous control of nonlinear systems

(3) Switching control system

(4) Maglev system

Laboratory equipment: personal computer, DC brushless motor control module, DC power supply, digital signal processing DSP Starter Kit (including wafer foot), six-five 18-way spider robot, oscilloscope, electromagnetic wave detector, Gauss Table, sheet metal bending machine eddy current displacement meter, data acquisition module, signal generator, embedded controller, linear actuator, IC burner cylindrical voice coil motor module, ultrasonic monitoring module System PTZ, data capture card

Laboratory equipment: motor control module, DSP, Zigbee communication module, personal computer, circuit board engraving machine, high speed camera, FPGA, Android smart phone, two-wheel differential mobile platform, four-axis aircraft, BIOLOID robot.

Multiple Learning Control laboratory 

Location: EE2-411 

Ext. 6245

Person in charge: Ming-Li Chiang 

Field: Control 

Information Technology 

Embedded and Automated Lab 

Location: EE1-501 

Ext. 6228

Person in charge: Mu-Der Jeng 

Field: Information Technology 

Lab Introduction: The embedded system market has become one of the key development industries in the country. It is driven by consumer electronics and network communication products and in recent years has developed rapidly and has a wide range of applications, including smart phones, satellite navigation systems, mobile multimedia systems, e-books, digital cameras, Game machines, mobile medical instruments and small robots. The embedded operating systems play a key role in reducing power consumption, improving efficiency and supporting hardware, and are an important part of system design. It is the main goal of this lab. to cultivate talents with practical capability, innovative design and integration of software and hardware in the embedded operating system.

SoftComputing Lab 

Location: EE1-503 

Ext. 6229

Person in charge: Wang Jung-Hua 

Related association 

Field: Information Technology 

Established in 1992, originally known as “Neural Networks Lab” and in 1999 adopted the current name. Software computing is an emerging approach to computing which parallels the remarkable ability of the human mind to reason and learn in an environment of uncertainty and imprecision. (Several well-known techniques are: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Theory, Genetic Algorithms). Image processing deals with the improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation, and processing of scene data for autonomous machine perception. Pattern recognition — the act of taking in raw data and making an action based on the “category” of the pattern — has been Crucial for our survival, and over the past tens of millions of years we have evolved highly sophisticated neural and cognitive systems for such tasks. SCIP stands for Soft Computing and Image Processing.

Soft computing is an emerging approach to computing which parallels the remarkable ability of the human mind to reason and learn in an environment of uncertainty and imprecision. (Several well-known techniques are: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Theory, Genetic Algorithms).Image processing deals with the improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation, and processing of scene data for autonomous machine perception.Pattern recognition — the act of taking in raw data and making an action based on the “category” of the pattern — has been crucial for our survival, and over the past tens of millions of years we have evolved highly sophisticated neural and cognitive systems for such tasks.SCIP stands for Soft Computing and Image Processing.Established in 1992, originally known as “Neural Networks Lab”.In 1999 changed to its current name.)

AI Laboratory (Departmental AI Research Center)

Location: ECG-202,203,207
Ext.: 6229
Lab Introduction: AI (Artificial intelligence) is mainly researching how to use the functions of computers to perform tasks that must be performed by humans. To put it simply, the process of human intelligenceis carried out by computing machines that are trained to act similar to human beings. The machine has the ability to learn, reason, make decisions and handle natural language processing.

Equipment: 12 high-performance GPU computers and NAS data server

Person in charge: Jung-Hua Wang

Smart Life Technology Lab

Location: EE1-505
Ext.: 6206
Field: Information Technology
Lab Introduction: Combining technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, and Internet of Things (IoT) to create automated systems to solve real-life problems. Research goal: Using computer vision and  IoT sensing technology to collect the required information,in conjunction with the mechanism of self-learning of artificial intelligence algorithms, to provide automated solutions for various problems  

Person in charge: Dong-lin Lee   

AI Integrated Application and Innovation Laboratory

Location: EE1-301

Ext. 6224

Person in charge: Chih-Wei  Lin

Field: Information Technology 

Solid State Electronics 

Lithography Laboratory 

Location: EE1-106

Ext. 6248

Person in charge: Wen-Shiung Lour 

Field: Solid State Electronics 
Introduction to the laboratory: Emphasis on the experimental class to strengthen students’ ability to execute practical implementation. Through participating in research projects, the students may learn how to conceive, analyze, judge, design, simulate and other steps to cultivate independent thinking, research planning and innovative design. Basic knowledge, experimental ability, ability to innovate thinking for intensive training.

Laboratory short-term goals: the laboratory hopes to focus on practical, research and teaching, so that students can acquire the skills and expertise of current and future electrical-related industry needs.

laboratory long-term goal: to cultivate professional talents with international vision, and hopes to cooperate with the needs of national economic development and industrial construction to cultivate international competitiveness.

Laboratory equipment: high temperature crystal growth furnace, electrodeless plating system, semiconductor analyzer, electrochemical analyzer, temperature control hydrogen measurement system, thermal evaporation machine, IV measuring instrument, exposure machine, spin coating machine, etching station, Soft and hard ovens.

Underwater technology laboratory 

Field: Solid State Electronics 

Location: EE1-107 

Ext. 6223

Person in charge: Chung-Cheng Chang 

Nano-micro-integrated sensing component laboratory 

Person in charge: Chung-Cheng Chang 

Related association 

Field: Solid State Electronics 

Location: EE1-304 


Semiconductor laboratory 

Location: EE2-517 

Extension: 6265 

Person in charge: Wen-Shiung Lour 

Field: Solid State Electronics 

Introduction to the laboratory: Emphasis on the experimental class to strengthen students’ ability to do practically. Students hope to participate in research projects, learn how to conceive, analyze, judge, design, simulate and other steps to cultivate independent thinking, research planning and innovative design. Basic knowledge, experimental ability, ability to innovate thinking for intensive training, laboratory short-term goals, the laboratory hopes to focus on practical, research and teaching, so that students can acquire the skills and expertise of current and future motor-related industry needs, experiment With the long-term goal of the laboratory, the laboratory aims to cultivate professional talents with international vision, and hopes to cooperate with the needs of national economic development and industrial construction to cultivate international competitiveness.

Laboratory equipment: high temperature crystal growth furnace, electrodeless plating system, semiconductor analyzer, electrochemical analyzer, temperature control hydrogen measurement system, hot evaporation machine, IV measuring instrument, exposure machine, spin coating machine, etching table, soft oven, hard oven.

Forward Components and Systems Laboratory

Location: EE1-602

Extension: 6216

Person in charge: Shih-Wei Tan

Field: Solid State Electronics 

Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Location: EE1-516

Extension: 6243

Person in charge: Yi-Chieh Hsu

Field: Solid State Electronics 

Radio waves 

Electromagnetic laboratory 

Field: Radio waves 

Location: EE2-416 

Extension: 6238 

Person in charge: J. H. Lin 

Lab Introduction: This lab is designed to study electromagnetic phenomena and develop fast and accurate algorithms to handle many extremely complex electromagnetic problems with computers. Electromagnetic simulation (EM Simulations) plays an important role in many fields, such as electromagnetic phenomena of microwave integrated circuits (MICs), remote sensing (Remote Sensing), electromagnetic interference (EMI), and radar cross-sectional area (RCS, Radar Cross). -Section) analysis, antenna design and application, microwave imaging and ultrasonic imaging, etc. The research field of this laboratory: Inverse Scattering, Integral Equation, Finite Difference Method, Fast Algorithms, Parallel Processing.

The characteristics of this laboratory: Before developing an effective algorithm, we must fully understand the characteristics of the electromagnetic problem to be solved, and need relevant knowledge such as electromagnetics, physics, mathematics, programming language, etc., in order to solve the problem smoothly.

Microwave telemetry laboratory 

Field: Radio waves 

Location: EE2-615 

Ext. 6263 

Person in charge: Tzong-Dar Wu 

Millimeter wave antenna design laboratory

Field: Radio waves 

Location: EE2-417 

Ext. 6222 

Person in charge: Li-Chi Chang

Millimeter wave integrated circuit laboratory

Field: Radio waves 

Location: EE2-314

Ext. 6267

Person in charge: Wen-Jie Lin 

Electric power 

Power service laboratory 

Field: Electric power 

Location: EE1-620 

Ext. 6269

Person in charge: Tai-Ken Lu 

Application control laboratory 

Research area: Power

Location: EE2-307

Ext. 6247

Person in charge: Cheng-Kai Lin 

Smat Energy laboratory 

Research area: Power

Location: EE2-515

Ext. 6258

Person in charge: Yu-Shan Cheng


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